LOCATION The property is situated in a prominent corner location of the town centre at the junction of Church Street and Market Place. Nearby occupiers include Domino's, Co-op and Newton Fallowell.
DESCRIPTION The premises comprises a ground floor retail space forming part of a 19th Century building constructed behind an attractive Lincolnshire stone faade. The accommodation to the rear of the building is a modern single storey extension, providing retail space and storage. The storage area benefits from a roller shutter loading door, office, staff room and WC. The sales area has suspended ceilings with inset and ceiling mounted LED lighting, carpeting and painted plastered walls. Externally, the property benefits from adjacent parking on-site to the rear.
ACCOMMODATION The property has the following approximate floor areas measured in accordance with the RICS code of measuring practice on a net internal area basis:
Ground Floor Retail - 539.84 sqm (5,811 sqft)
Rear Storage - 99.72 Sq M (1,073 Sq Ft)
Total Approximate Net Internal Floor Area - 639.56 sqm (6,884 sqft)
SERVICES We understand that mains electricity and water are connected. None of the services, heating systems or any other plant and equipment have been tested by Richardson and prospective lessees must rely on their own investigations as to their existence and condition.
BUSINESS RATES From enquiries made of the Valuation Office website, we understand that the following rating assessment applies:-
Rateable value: £47,250
Interested parties should however rely on their own enquiries as to the amount of rates payable.
TERMS For sale freehold of vacant possession at guide price of £800,000 subject to contract.
EPC EPC Rating - C
VAT We understand that VAT will be charged on the purchase price.
LEGAL COSTS Each party is to be responsible for its own legal costs incurred in the transaction.
VIEWING For an appointment to view or further information please contact -
Andrew Leech t: 01780 758007 e: aleech@richardsonsurveyors.co.uk
Katie Mulhern t. 01780 758005 e. kmulhern@richardsonsurveyors.co.uk