Plot 1, a detached family home finished to an exacting standard by a highly regarded local building company. Built in limestone and brick finish under a slate and pantile roof, plot 1 offers spacio...
Plot 2, a detached family home finished to an exacting standard by a highly regarded local building company. Built in limestone and brick finish under a slate and pantile roof, plot 2 offers spacio...
A development opportunity with Full Planning Permission for the conversion of a former residential home to 5 dwellings with a range of layouts and sizes giving some 750 sqm (8072 sqft) of accommoda...
Situated in the conservation area of this popular Rutland village with a date stone of 1819, Manor Cottage is a superb example of an extended detached period home, which has been well maintained an...
Positioned on an attractive corner plot, this extended detached bungalow offers well proportioned and flexible accommodation which has been well maintained and updated by the current vendor. A good...
A rare opportunity to acquire an individual building plot within the conservation area of this Rutland village with Full Planning Permission for a cottage style detached home. Ideal for those looki...